Thursday, February 13News That Matters

New Kates

More Info On The New Kates Cast Here

More Info On The New Kates Cast Here

New Kates
Teamed up with some of Chicago's fellow female producers, performers and over all comic rock stars to create the first ever kates cast. The goal? To build a stronger, funnier more inclusive comedy community, together. More info on the new kates cast HERE. Picture Kelsie Huff - Creator of the kates Kelsie Huff is a Columbia College Chicago graduate turned stand-up and storyteller. She's the creator and host of the kates, a nine year comedy showcase, hosted by The Book Cellar and Laugh Factory Chicago. She teaches the only all female stand-up class in Chicago called, Feminine Comique. Kelsie performs at clubs all around the Midwest, as well as comedy and fringe festivals around the country. She is a regular guest of, host chat, on ABC’s Windy City LIVE, as well as a guest on WGN radio. Hu...