Eddie Murphy: A Successful Comedian
Eddie Murphy was an actor and a comedian who began his standup career when he was a teenager. He was a popular cast member in "Saturday Night Live" and starred in many blockbuster movies. At the age of 21, in "48 hours", he starred with Nick Nolte and went on to be a part of movies like "Beverly Hills Cop", "Trading Places", "Shrek", "Coming To America", and "The Nutty Professor." He was also into dramas, comedies, and family films, along with making many movies.
The early life of Murphy
April 3rd, 1961, was the day a great comedian and an actor, Eddie Regan Murphy, was born in Brooklyn, New York. He started his projects in Bushwick with his father, Charles, his mother, a New York police officer, a mature comedian, Lillian, and his brother, Charles, a telephone operator. When he was ...